C A T C H T H E___If you find INSOMNIA enjoyable, and wish to make sure that you do not miss any future publishments, or if you would like to contribute to our upcoming issues, you might want to know that you're always able to get hold of us.___We are more than happy to receive feedback, both positive and negative. In order to keep improving we depend on your reactions. Please, if possible, send us you comments and suggestions today...I N S O M N I A C S !SHADE / TRSI (MAIN EDITOR)Anders HaakensHurdalsveien2074 Eidsvoll VerkNORWAYshade@trsi.deGDM / LOOKER HOUSE (MANAGER)Alex Soloviev107113 Russia, MoscowSokolnicheskiy val 38/78goa@ropnet.ruEXCEL / BALANCE (CO-EDITOR)Jani OinonenKungsgatan 9l553 31 JonkopingSWEDENexcelblc@hem.passagen.seBLUNT / TRSI (NEWS EDITOR)Henk WijnholdsMarktkade 1109581 Aw MusselkanaalTHE NETHERLANDSw-henk@dds.nlJUGGLER / LOOKER HOUSE (CODER)Vlad Komkov105266 Russia, MoscowSemenovskaya nab. 3/1-7,104jglr@usa.netNOTORIOUS / LKR HOUSE (SWAPPER)Andrew Boyarintsev115372 Russia, MoscowLipetskaya ul. 36/20-3239:241/1.13@AmigaNetBYTEBREAKER / LOOKER HOUSE(ASSISTANT EDITOR IN CHIEF)Vincent TruppeGottesauerstr.1076131 KarlsruheGermanyudma@rz.uni-karlsruhe.deX___We are also available to some extent through the channel of #amigascne at the IRC, respectively hiding behind the aliases of shadeTRSI, gdm^lkr, byteb^lkr,